Saturday, July 6, 2019

Hand pump company model start

My next model is a hand pump company.  Hand pumps were in extensive use in the early to mid 1900's.  When I was a young boy I used to spend summers at my grandmothers cottage on an island in northern New York which had no water at the cottages but instead relied on a water hand pump at one point on the island.

Above is an example of a hand pump.

My hand pump company will have multiple connected buildings.  The first one I have built is a small metal forge for creating the metal parts of the pumps.

Above is a view of the large open door where you can see some of the components inside.

And above is a view of the inside from above - the roof is yet to be added.  At the upper part is the metal melting cupola and on the right are shelves with small metal sheets for use in the cupola.

Above is the cupola before it was installed.  On the right is an air box to feed the furnace and half way up is the charging door.  On the left by the figure is the tap hole.  I have modeled the Whiting cupola.

And above is a example of the prototype Whiting cupola.

Next I will add the roof and then start on the next building.

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