Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Bark hopper car for extraction plant

I have built a bark hopper car for my extraction plant.  I modeled it after an old prototype photo.  It is 20 feet long and has board sides and ends. I added some chopped up bark from one of the trees in my yard.  It is HOn3 scale.

This is actually the second car I built.  The first one of which this car is mostly built from I stupidly filled with the bark then sprayed with alcohol in order to spread the matte medium to solidify he load.  Well the alcohol loosened all of the glue and warped the floor beyond use. Bad idea but that is the way I fasten down scenery and ballast.

The prototype car photo is below.

It is not a great photo but you get the idea.  My model is similar but not exact.

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