Saturday, May 28, 2022

Auto salvage company start

This model is a small auto salvage company starting with the office.  This structure is all scratch built with no commercial parts except the shingle roof which was made using shingles by BEST.   The model will include a side shed and a fenced area filled with auto parts.

There is a figure standing in the doorway but no interior details since they could not be seen.  The stack at the back was made using a plastic sprue with a paper cover on the top.  

This was the easy part of this model.  More to come.  

Monday, May 23, 2022

My modeling work bench and tools

 I was requested by someone who follows my blog to post information on my modeling work bench so here is a photo of the work bench.  It is a very old wooden desk with drawers for me to store some of my modeling tools and materials. There is a wide drawer over the center of the desk and three small drawers  on the right side.  The center drawer holds a variety of tools and materials.  The side drawers hold water based craft p[aint and one drawer of wood strips and scraps.

You can see  shelves above the desk with various parts and a rack for tools.  On the desk I placed some of the small clamps I use when gluing wood parts and other materials.  I also have various sizes and shapes of metal used for holding parts down or together.  I have lots of paint brushes of various sizes and shapes.  That black bottle on the right is india ink and alcohol that I use to weather my materials.  I also use clothes pins as clamps (left side) and some I have reversed so the clamp end is long.  One of my favorite "tools" for holding things are pieces of old printer metals type I acquired years ago - they are of various sizes and shapes and are on the desk.  I have many other parts drawers around this room in my basement so when decide to build something I usually have the parts I need to build it.  

I hope you find this information useful  If you have questions let my know.


Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Crate shop model complete

 This model took longer than expected to build.  Partly due to some of the details and partly because I had other non-modeling issues to deal with.  The work area is the open area on the left.  There is a boiler, a saw, a lumber rack, some saw horses, some shelves, and a scrap cart.  Many of those items are commercial parts.  The roof is black paper for tar paper.  

On the left side of the work area is a wood fence.  Attached to the fence is a set of shelves.  

Above you see the loading dock which also gives access to the shop interior which is mostly for storage.  There are a lot of crates on the platform - all commercial parts.  I put some crate images on the right wall of the shop.  The windows are commercial parts from Tichy.  

Now to plan my next model.