Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Crate shop model complete

 This model took longer than expected to build.  Partly due to some of the details and partly because I had other non-modeling issues to deal with.  The work area is the open area on the left.  There is a boiler, a saw, a lumber rack, some saw horses, some shelves, and a scrap cart.  Many of those items are commercial parts.  The roof is black paper for tar paper.  

On the left side of the work area is a wood fence.  Attached to the fence is a set of shelves.  

Above you see the loading dock which also gives access to the shop interior which is mostly for storage.  There are a lot of crates on the platform - all commercial parts.  I put some crate images on the right wall of the shop.  The windows are commercial parts from Tichy.  

Now to plan my next model.

1 comment:

  1. Stan,

    Another good looking structure. I'd really like to see a photo of your work space where you build these models. Any chance of making a blog post about that?


