Monday, May 23, 2022

My modeling work bench and tools

 I was requested by someone who follows my blog to post information on my modeling work bench so here is a photo of the work bench.  It is a very old wooden desk with drawers for me to store some of my modeling tools and materials. There is a wide drawer over the center of the desk and three small drawers  on the right side.  The center drawer holds a variety of tools and materials.  The side drawers hold water based craft p[aint and one drawer of wood strips and scraps.

You can see  shelves above the desk with various parts and a rack for tools.  On the desk I placed some of the small clamps I use when gluing wood parts and other materials.  I also have various sizes and shapes of metal used for holding parts down or together.  I have lots of paint brushes of various sizes and shapes.  That black bottle on the right is india ink and alcohol that I use to weather my materials.  I also use clothes pins as clamps (left side) and some I have reversed so the clamp end is long.  One of my favorite "tools" for holding things are pieces of old printer metals type I acquired years ago - they are of various sizes and shapes and are on the desk.  I have many other parts drawers around this room in my basement so when decide to build something I usually have the parts I need to build it.  

I hope you find this information useful  If you have questions let my know.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Stan! I do indeed find it useful. We are moving and I'll have an opportunity to set up my workbench in a new configuration. Right now it tends to overflow during a project and I'm not happy with some of the tool arrangements and storage issues. Seeing how you have your space arranged gives me some ideas.

    Oh, and I too use clothespins flipped around as clamps. Simple, but effective.

    Thanks again,

