Saturday, September 3, 2022

Kerosene supply shop model

 This model goes with the kerosene truck model I just built.  This shop has a kerosene tank to provide kerosene to buyers.  The kerosene is placed in metal barrels many of which are inside the shop.  Kerosene is a combustible hydrocarbon liquid derived from petroleum and was initially developed in the late 1800s. One end of the structure is the office and the major portion is the kerosene tank and barrel shop  storage area.  Some areas of the US require kerosene barrels to be painted blue.  

Above is the office end of the structure.  The office has a kerosene powered heater with a vent on the roof.  

Above is the shop end where you can see the kerosene tank at the right side of the door.  There is a kerosine input connector on the outside above the tank where the kerosene is added to the tank.  

Above you can see some of the items inside the shop including barrels, a work bench. a dolley to carry the barrels and a door to the office.  

Above is a photo of the kerosene truck next to the shop.

Now to decide what to build next.

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