Saturday, September 24, 2022

Way station model

This is a railroad way station which is a small station along the railway between cities.  I named it North Station in memory of my late friend Gordon North.  It is mostly scratch built except the fence, the trash can,  the RPO stand and of course the figures and luggage.  

The model is on a plastic base which is carved to simulate cement sections.  To the left of the door is a mostly black time table.  

The RPO stand at the left has a mail bag that a railway post office car on a passenger train can easily grab as it slowly goes by.  I modified the RPO stand slightly and added the words U S Mail using a commercial dry transfer.  A friend of mine gave me one of those old RPO bags years ago as the postal service was getting rid of them.  I have it hanging on a wall in my basement.  The RPO ended many years ago.   I actually got to see the inside of one of those RPO cars at a railway museum. It had a row of mail bags hanging in the center of the car with town name labels on them and some sorting desks along the walls.  

And now to decide what to build next.  

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