Thursday, December 28, 2023

Old water wheel grist mill

 This model took a long time to build and I also had many other time consuming activities.  I had a photo on a calendar which was my inspiration for this model.  It is a flour mill with the grain ground by stones inside the mill activated by water flowing onto the mill wheel which then turns the grinding stones. 

The mill sides are made from commercial scribed wood with plastic windows mostly from Tichy.  The wheel and the water conduit over it are scratch built.  There are two figures  and a small goat.  The stone walls under at the base of the water equipment are plaster type material castings.  

This side view shows the entrance and a pile of flour bags on the walk platform.  The roofing is strips of painted paper to simulate tar paper. 

Above is a view of the other side of the mill.  

When I install this mill there will be raised surroundings.  

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