Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Industry model

 I built this based on a picture in one of my books but it did not say what it was and I am not sure what it should be.

Most of this model is scratch built.  The large door in the high building is a commercial plastic door and the windows on the small building are commercial parts.  The tar paper on the roofs is plain white paper sprayed gray.  

When I decide what this structure is I will apply signs.


  1. I like the finish of this structure.

  2. The lift at the end of the building is for raising hay bales or other bagged material for storage on the second floor. The lower door is a regular barn door. I would call that a Livery Stable. Feed thrown down to the horses and mules in the stalls below, and the tack, harness's, and misc. stored in the smaller front room. There's probably an interior door for moving harness to and from the stable without getting exposed to inclement weather. There's not room for the carriages and wagons, which would be stored in the carriage house.
