Saturday, April 20, 2024

Old shack with old truck

 This old shack and truck were both scratch built using a few commercial parts.  The shack was built with board by board siding over an internal frame.  The roof shingles  are commercial.  There are two figures,  one inside the door and the other sitting on the ground in front holding a beer and looking like he may be drunk.  

Above is a front view.  The shack is attached to a cardboard base with grass and a gravel driveway.  

The view above shows one side of the shack with the truck on the gravel.  

This shows the other side and rear of the shack.  There is a ladder lying next to the rear of the shack and some logs at the side for the stove inside.

This shows the truck in front of the shack.. The truck was made using word and card board with the wheels and steering wheel being the only commercial parts other the the details loaded on the back of the truck.

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