Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Hoist & derrick company progress

Two of the three sections of the hoist and derrick company are now basically complete.  The third section will connect to the small section on the right and will be parallel to the first large section.

There is a figure standing inside the open upper door where the hoist is and another figure sitting on the upper platform to the right.  That upper platform exists to use for testing hoists.  I am thinking about how I might install some fixture for that purpose.  The area where the small cart is sitting will be used to store wood for making the hoists and derricks.  This configuration will form a backwards "C" footprint.

I still have some trim  work to do on these sections.  I suspect some of the detail may be hard to see once this is completed and installed on the layout.

The paint on the sides of this building is quite worn and weathered as it is an old building that has not seen much maintenance.  I placed a floor inside the open door and there is a somewhat crude hoist mechanism as well as some boxes - all hard to see.  Maybe more invisible detail.    :-)

The weather outside is now turning warmer, a welcome change from the cold winter but that will bring the tasks of mowing and weeding the lawn.  At least it will again allow us to have meals outside on our deck, and maybe an occasional wine and cheese snack - after all life cannot be all work.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Hoist & derrick company start

I have started work on my next project - a hoist and derrick company.  The first part of the structure is partially complete but I thought I would get something posted to give an idea of what I am doing.  This first part is against the wall with the nut & bolt company on the left and the ice machinery company on the right.

There is a small mirror between the nut & bolt office and the hoist & derrick company to simulate a passage between the two buildings.  This is an all wood structure other than the window castings and an embossed card stock stone foundation.  The roof is undecorated card stock at this point.   The upper door on the right is open and will have a hoist.

The components of the building will form a backwards "C" with the semi-enclosed area being for materials storage.  There will be a fenced in yard between the outside structure and the layout edge where derricks will be assembled before shipment.

My other project I am working on is repairing bird houses in the yard that have deteriorated over time.  It is time for the birdies to start nesting so I need to get their houses in shape.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Narrow gauge gondola

This is a narrow gauge side dump gondola car from I believe the 1940's.  This is from my father's collection and I believe it was in Hawaii.  The old automobile and the white trousers (Navy uniforms) under the gondola car are the indicators.

And below is a (not so good) photo of a very short lived automobile called the Paragon.

In the early part of the 1900s every shop with machinist skills apparently tried to manufacture a car.

I have decided what my next build project will be.  It will be a hoist and derrick company.  It will fill the remaining space on the wall between the Bolt & Nut company and the Frigid machinery company.  I have made some rough drawings and started on one portion of the structure.  The part of the hoist & derrick company that projects out closest to the layout edge will be a fenced yard for staging some of the machinery.  That will give me the opportunity to build a derrick or two for display.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Bolt & nut company office

The basis for the office I built for my bolt and nut company is parts from a DPM kit - just the front and right side.  It was a quick and dirty build.

The sign at the top of the building has a plastic bolt and nut at each side.

The above photo shows the complete structure.

That completes this structure.  Now I am thinking about what my next project will be - always difficult.  At this moment I have no idea what it will be.

I had an open house for my layout for the local NMRA division this last Saturday.  Had good attendance and the visitors seemed to like what i have done.  Received some nice comments.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Bolt& nut factory complete

I have completed the Bolt & Nut factory (except the office addition).  This is one of the largest of the structures on my layout addition.

I added and detailed the roof, with a sign, a chimney, two vents and a wood style louvred vent.  I added several details on the loading dock including an open barrel, a box, a figure carrying a box, a fire extinguisher on the wall next to the door, and a rag hanging on the railing.

I added some weathering and some bits of vegetation at the base.

The office addition will be attached to the right side of the structure and has a different look.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Bolt and Nut factory progress

I have mostly completed the walls of the factory, but still no back or roof.  I still have some work to do on this part.

The fire escape is a Walthers kit that was part of the series that I used for the walls.  The platform on the left is strip wood.  The center entrance is a mix of materials.

The right wall is blank as the office structure will be attached there.

After I install the roof I will add details on it.  I still need to create some signs and possibly add some posters.  The back is 13 inches long and the structure is 6 inches high.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Bolt and Nut company structure left side

The left side of the Bolt and Nut company is mostly complete.  There is no back or roof yet.  I am essentially building this structure piece by piece and fitting them together.

The structure is mostly built from styrene components - brick upper and block lower sections.  There will be a loading dock at the lower door.  Additional details  and cosmetic fixes are yet to be added - just thought I should update my progress slow as it is.   The annual preparation for payment of government extortion was taking a good bit of my time.

Froedert Grain & Malting

The collectible below was obtained some time ago.  It is all metal, about 5 inches long and really heavy.  I think it once held cigarettes in the compartment on top.  Froedert was a malting company in Milwaukee and is no longer in business.

It is an interesting decoration with a railroad motif.