Thursday, May 26, 2016

Carpenter shop model main building complete

The main building of the carpenter shop is complete.  The roof was again made using the old reliable Campbell shingles (I have a fairly large supply of these).  I painted the shingles brown with acrylic paint then dusted them with gray chalk dust.  The stack is a plastic part from my scrap box.

It is difficult to see the details in the shop on the right side but they are partially visible when looking at the model closely - maybe another case of invisible detail.

You can barely see a sawhorse inside the side door.  I did some weathering around the base of the building.

This shows a view of the back of the building, which will be very hard to see as it faces away from the edge of the layout.

And this view shows the right side.

There will be a work shed at the back of this building on the right side and there will be a fence around the right side area.  I plan to put various details inside the fenced area.

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