Friday, October 21, 2016

Soap factory power house

This power house will attach to the right side of the other buildings.  The walls are hydrocal cement block castings by C C Crow,   I added some interior details which are really hard to see when looking in the door and are invisible in this photo.  The stack is a commercial casting.  The coal bucket elevator on the right corner was made from card stock.  It feeds a coal bin on the inside.  There will be a hole in the layout under the hoist for a coal dump.

I still have more weathering to do but wanted to get this posted.

The window on this side has a "metal" plate covering it.  There is a ladder to the roof on this side.

The door on the left will have a ramp up to it and will connect to the loading dock being built for the previous building.

Above is a prototype bucket elevator I used as a guide in constructing my model.

Above is an example of a power house with the bucket hoist that I modeled.

1 comment:

  1. that's yet another interesting detail. i never gave a thought at how something like loading coal into a building was accomplished if not x gravity (into the basement).
