Saturday, October 29, 2016

Soap factory industrial railroad

I have added an industrial railroad to move products and materials from one building to another.  I also built a small push car using an Alexander Scale Models timber car on which I replaced the kit top with a platform.

You can see the push car on the track between the buildings.

Above you can see the track curving around the coal dump pit with the bucket hoist extending into the pit.  There is a railing around the pit for safety.

Above you can see the loading dock and ramp with some details on the platform.   The tank at the left  holds liquid component for the soap.

Above is a prototype example of an industrial railroad.

And here is another example with a more complicated track setup.

And here is a prototype example of a push car.

I am working on the last building in this complex as well as scenery and more details.


  1. There's some nice HOn30 stuff on Shapeways that I'm using for push cars and mule-hauled cars. I'm also using this as an excuse to learn how to hand-lay Code 40 N scale/HOn30 track :-) Also, I have a couple 6' turntables that were commonly used on these railroads. All of this is going into a brickyard, based on the Pola "old time factory" and a couple brick kilns I got at a train show.

  2. i look forward to these weekly updates. remember the Alexander kits well. it's nice to see how all the manufacturer's buildings & physical plant relate to each other.
