Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Building being demolished complete

The building under demolition is now complete - unless I decide to make further changes.  This has been an enjoyable project and has turned out well in my opinion.  Since I never draw any plans I never know exactly how things will turn out.  The right half of the building has been torn down and there are three workers busy working on the project.

As I frequently do, I have shingled the roof with Campbell shingles.  They provide a rough, used appearance.  I added a paper ground base around the front and right side so I could add scenery before it is placed on the layout.

The inside is mostly empty.  I may add more board scraps inside.  There is a section of stove pipe through the back wall though the stove has been removed.

There are fragments of glass (plastic) and mullions remaining in the lower window opening.  This structure will be placed on the layout in front of the soap factory, not far from the prior run down factory.  I guess it is a deteriorating area of the town.

The abandoned shack I built over a year ago has been published as an article in the December issue of the NMRA magazine that has just been shipped.  That is the second article I submitted to the NMRA magazine.  The first was my gas station.  They have one more article I wrote on a scratch built N scale business.  I guess that will be published next year some time.  They were asking for articles so I sent them some.

After I install this building on the layout I need to decide what to build next - always a challenge to come up with an idea that will fit into the layout both in size and type.

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