Thursday, March 30, 2017

Boat outfitters model complete

The boat outfitters model is complete (unless I decide to add more details).  It is installed on the layout with some scenery added.  I added a number of birds (seagulls) on the roofs.  There is a traveling crane located between the shed on the right and the work building on the left.  I have named the facility the Norton Boat Outfitters for a friend.

The yard area in the center has two boats under repair as well as other details.

The above view shows the yard area.  I am adding some vegetation and moss at the base of the dock where it meets the water.  There is an old anchor leaning on the shed on the dock.

Above is a view of the left side showing the shed at he rear of building #3.

This industry was fun to build.  I now am thinking about the next dock area structure.  My wife thinks there should be a fish market on the dock - TBD.  The idea of a fish market brings to mind the odors such an industry generates.  Many years ago there was a model company called Olfactory Airs which sold various model odor products.  They did not last long.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Boat outfitter 3rd building

I have finished the third building of the boat outfitter company.  None of the buildings are yet installed but merely shown sitting in place.  I need to do some adjusting to get them together and install the overhead crane between building 3 and the shed.

Above you can see all three buildings in place.  The outside posts for the projecting hoist house on building three are only sitting in place and not yet attached.  The hoist is my solution to lifting small boats and heavy equipment from larger boats to place them on the dock.

Here you can see the right side of building three.  The white object in the doorway is a small boat under repair.  You can see the hoist at the left projecting from the hoist house.

And here is a view of the left side.

I plan to add a shed at the back of building three.  After I install the 3 buildings along with the overhead crane,  I will add details to the interior yard area.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Boat outfitter 2nd building

I have completed the second and center building of the boat outfitter company.  It took a little longer than I expected both with the model and the snow outside - in the middle of March!  As you can see, the first shed structure fits in front of the right side of the center building.

Most of the boat details will be located in the center yard between the buildings. I took these photos with the structures sitting in place on the layout but not yet installed.

Above is a front on view.  The area behind the structures is not sceniced yet.

Above is a view of the rear of the second building.  As you can see there is a railroad track that comes from the prior layout section.  I am not yet sure what it will serve.  The right side of building two will be mostly blocked by the third structure and the stairs will have walls on both sides.  The "sky" you see above is a moveable view block to hide the shelving which would otherwise be seen there.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Boat outfitter start

This is the first of the three sections of the boat outfitters company.  It is a storage shed and is the right leg of the industry, and the easiest of the three.  It consists of a wood base with corrugated metal roof.

The shed is adjacent to the Harbor Inn with a narrow alley between the two.  The shed is not yet installed.

Above his a rear view of the shed.

The next structure I am building is the main and center structure.  As usual, I have modified it's design as I am building it, which is why I do not bother with drawing plans.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Boat outfitter company model planning

My next waterfront structure will be a boat outfitter company.  This company repairs small boats and provides modifications to larger boats.  This industry will be located to the left of the Harbor Inn and will be a "U" shaped structure with the open yard part of the "U" facing the water.  There will be a crane on the dock to lift small boats and a gantry inside of the yard for lifting items being worked on. I think this will be fun.

Above is a photo I took of the Portland, Maine waterfront in 1994.  It just gives a flavor of what waterfront industries look like.

Above is a photo of a boat handling facility.  The variety of these is extensive so almost anything should work.

I have installed the Harbor Inn on the layout and have started doing some scenicing work.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Harbor Inn complete

I have completed the Harbor Inn model.  It will have more details added around it after it is installed on the layout.  The roof shingles are a commercial product by BEST.

Below is a view showing the rear with the chimney.

And below is the structure sitting on the layout in the intended position but not installed.

Now I have to decide what other industries will be installed along the harbor dock.  I have some ideas but need to do some research.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Harbor Inn model start

Here is an early and incomplete presentation of my latest model, which I am calling the Harbor Inn.  It will be located along the new dock.  The model is not completely painted, has no roof and many more details to be added.  I thought I should do a posting as it has been a week since the last posting. I had a lot of things that interfered with my model work, but that is life.

The lower floor is a restaurant and the upper floor has three rooms.  The upstairs rooms are accessed by the outside stair case and the door at the back of the upper platform.  That door has access to a hallway, which in turn provides access to the rooms.  I am going for a somewhat deteriorated look, but not too deteriorated.  All windows and the front door are commercial parts.  The side and back doors are scratch as is the rear window.

The back is fairly bland with one upstairs window in the hallway and a rear door on the lower level to take out the trash.  The left side has no details as it will have another structure beside it.