Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Bobbin mill start

Here is the basic start to the bobbin mill - just the basic walls, windows and doors.  Wood bobbins were the staples of the fabric mills in the 1800s and early 1900s.  By the mid 1900s they were replaced by new technologies.  Wood bobbins were  created to collect the thread for fabrics. They twisted and spun on spindles to collect the threads.  Bobbins came in many shapes and sizes depending on the needs and preferences.  They were made from a variety of hard woods.  The bobbin had a cylindrical center which had a hole bored into it and a wider flat cylindrical disk at each end.  Some bobbins had metallic ends.  Many years ago I became fascinated with wood bobbins and bought several of various sizes.  Eventually I got rid of most of them retaining only two which my wife uses to hold large candles for display.

Here are the two bobbins sitting on the flat area in front of the fireplace in our family room.

My bobbin mill is an old style wood structure with a stone foundation.  At this point I have built the basic walls with the foundation.  There will be many details added, especially at the back of the building,

Above is a view of the back.  The projection at the right is the boiler room.  The boiler is wood fired as there is an ample supply of wood debris.

Above is the front view which will be track-side.  There will be a loading dock.  All windows and doors are commercial parts, mostly Tichy.

I will be bob bob bobbin along building this industry.  I just had to make that pun - 😀

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