Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Bobbin mill complete

The bobbin mill is mostly complete (there are a few details to be added including signs and scenery).  The photos were taken on the layout approximately where the mill will be installed but it is not yet installed.  This mill was modeled based on a very small photo of the Glen Bobbin Company that once existed in South Hiram, Maine,  I tried doing some research on it but found very little.  I think it was built about 1920 and at one time the president was Charles Fox, possibly related to one of my wife's family members who live in Maine.

Above is a rear view with the attached engine house at the right with the stack above it.  The building is wood style with a stone foundation.

Above is a track-side view.

The side at the right will have a "shed" attached adjacent to the track where the raw wood stock is stored.  Bobbins where made from various types of hard wood.  This type of storage was referred to as a coppice barn.  I will make the coppice barn next.

Above is a chart from an old book that shows a variety of bobbin styles,  They came in a vast variety of styles and sizes.

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