Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Boarding house model

My boarding house model is mostly complete.  My inspiration for this model was an old photo of a similar view of what I built for the back of my model.   Some time ago I built a model of a rooming house.  The difference between a rooming house and a boarding house is mostly that the boarding house provides one or more meals as I understand it.   This boarding house provides rooms for some workers at the bobbin mill and the businesses along the water front.

The platform levels and stairs took some time.  I plan to add more details on the platforms.

Above you see the front which is very plain.  The front and rear bases are made from card stock  which will be flattened when I install the structure on the layout.

Above is another view of the back directly in front of the camera - just another view.  On the lower left is a small storage shed.

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