Monday, September 18, 2017

Bobbin mill installed

The bobbin mill is now installed on the layout with some scenery added.   The near end has piles of wood chips from the bobbin turnings, similar to what the prototype had.  I will be adding more scenery along with the next model I am building.

Next model

My next model will be a boarding house adjacent to the bobbin mill.  That will give some of the bobbin mill workers a place to live.  The Glen bobbin mill had a boarding house near by but it was not very interesting.  My boarding house is a 3 story building with an interesting back that will have a porch on each level with stairs and lots of details.  I have a rough start with the front and two sides - lots more details to be added including the corner posts.

I am also building a Jordan Products model T Ford stake truck to serve the bobbin mill.

Some personal railroad history.

Years ago I belonged to the Three Rivers Narrow Gauge Historical Society which dealt with narrow gauge railroads the used to serve the Pennsylvania and Ohio areas.  All of those roads had ceased to exist and had very little remaining vestiges.  We used to have annual tours to visit the areas where the railroads ran,  About the most we ever saw was an occasional bridge, barren right of way (some vestiges of ties and track, and a box car used as a shed.  We had fun any way.  The society published a quarterly newsletter called Light Iron and Short Ties - L.I.S.Y. (I have the issues published while I was a member).  The society eventually folded due mostly to lack of new information.  I was looking trough the newsletters recently and remembering the good times.

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