Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Bobbin mill coppice barn

I have completed the coppice barn for the bobbin mill and attached it.  The coppice barn is for storage  (and sometimes debarking) of the hard wood for making the bobbins.  Although it is somewhat difficult to see in the photo, I have detailed the interior of the coppice barn with stacks of logs (sticks I gathered in my back yard), a scratch built dolley next to the ramp into the mill,  a figure hoisting a log,  a log cart, and a scratch built work bench.

There are a few tools on the work bench and a saw leaning on the front of it.  The roof of the barn was made using the venerable Campbell shingles.

In the photo above you can see a photo of the Glen bobbin mill which I used as a guide in making my model.  I am guessing the elevated covered wooden shaft rising from the shed to the upper part of the boiler room was for moving wood chips for use in heating the boiler.  There will be piles of wood chips at the base of the building once it is installed on the layout.

Above you can see the rear of the structure and the rail siding that serves it.

Above is an overall view of the rear of the building.

Next I need to add some signs and install the building on the layout with lots of detritus around it and maybe a truck delivering logs.

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