
This blog presents my thoughts, information and activities in my model railroading world.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Tool sharpening shop complete

The tool sharpening shop is now complete.  I added the office, a roof for the shop and various details. The office has clapboard siding and both units have shingled roofs.  I also added doors on the open shop.

The windows and doors are by Tichy.

I added signs on three sides.

The roofs have black soot weathering.

Above is a view of the rear of the shop.  

Now I will be designing my next model which will have a little humor.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Tool sharpening shop start.

My next model is a tool sharpening shop.  I have mostly completed the shop area and will then do the office area which will be attached where the open side is.  This shop sharpens saws, saw blades, chisels, etc.  The shop was constructed board by board using 1 x 10 boards.  The floor is cardboard with lines denoting boards for a wooden floor.

I have not yet added the roof or the front doors to allow photographing the interior.  Inside is a desk with tools, a set of shelves, a heating  stove with stove pipe, a grinding wheel, a small vertical grinder, and an anvil.

There is a worker next to the work bench.

More to follow.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Fruit stand model

This is a small model made board by board with 1x10 boards for the sides and roof.  I used no paint - just ink & alcohol stain.  The shingles are commercial shake singles painted with a thin gray paint stain.

The fruit items are mostly commercial details.  I added some interior details which are as usual almost impossible to see,

There are some commercial boxes stacked against the front wall with fruit in the top open box.

There are two female figures.

I am including the rear view only to show the spot of missing shingles.