Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Carpenter shop work shed

This work shed will be installed to the right-rear of the carpenter shop.  It is built using capped siding and the roof is made the same way as the carpenter shop using Campbell shingles.

This front view shows the work bench at the back wall of the shed.  There is an enclosed room for supplies at the left with a door inside the shed.  

Above is a view slightly from the right side.  There are a few boards leaning against the wall.  You can also see a figure standing at the workbench.  

And above is a view slightly from the left side.  Inside you can see some shelving against the right wall.

The remaining work on this model complex includes a board fence around the work yard to the right of the carpenter shop with the shed forming the right rear of the fence.  Then inside the yard will be some equipment and work in progress.  The next posting will show this model complex installed on the layout. 

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Carpenter shop model main building complete

The main building of the carpenter shop is complete.  The roof was again made using the old reliable Campbell shingles (I have a fairly large supply of these).  I painted the shingles brown with acrylic paint then dusted them with gray chalk dust.  The stack is a plastic part from my scrap box.

It is difficult to see the details in the shop on the right side but they are partially visible when looking at the model closely - maybe another case of invisible detail.

You can barely see a sawhorse inside the side door.  I did some weathering around the base of the building.

This shows a view of the back of the building, which will be very hard to see as it faces away from the edge of the layout.

And this view shows the right side.

There will be a work shed at the back of this building on the right side and there will be a fence around the right side area.  I plan to put various details inside the fenced area.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Carpenter shop model start

The carpenter shop now has four walls (no roof yet as well as some other details to be completed).  I will be adding details inside the shop area on the right side so no roof until then.  I did but in a basic shop floor made from part of an index card.  That way I can add the details before placing it on the layout.  There will be no light inside but there are two doors so some amount of detail should be visible, and the shop will be next to the edge of the layout.

The porch is for entrance into the living quarters.

The side and rear off the shop area have vertical board siding instead of the clapboard on the rest of the structure.

Above are some of the detail items I have built, most of which will be located inside of the shop area.   All are scratch built.  The work bench is from wood pieces with stuff on it, including a scratch built wood plane on the right side of the bench top.  The trash can was made from a soda straw section with a paper base, and wood pieces inside.  The shelving was made from card stock and craft paper, with lots of junk on the shelves and top.  At the right are two scratch built saw horses.

There will be a fenced in area to the right of the structure and a shed in the yard area.  I am still thinking about what I will do.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Transfer company truck

I modified a Wheel Works cast metal logging truck kit to a transfer company moving truck to be placed at the Peekup and Dropove company loading dock.  The back of the truck was made with a wood frame and a printed siding.

This was a fairly simple build though the kit instructions are very simplistic and lacking in detail.

New Structure

While I was constructing the truck, I sketched out a structure model for a carpenter shop.  My inspiration for this structure was an old photo in a relatively new book.  The structure was vintage 1890's and not a carpenter shop.  The person who started the carpentry business used to work at the wheel company which is located somewhat behind the carpentry shop.  Since the wheel works business was declining, the idea of going into the carpentry business seemed like a good idea.  I am in the early stages of construction.

The structure is part home and part business.  The home is on the left and the business on the right.  This structure is made from card stock with a bracing of wood pieces.  There will be a stone foundation on the left side with a porch in the front.  The clapboard is made with strips of craft paper painted with white acrylic paint.  I like the somewhat non-uniform look of the individual clapboard strips.

Above is the left side and rear walls.  All windows except the rear window are Tichy products.  The rear window is made from wood strips.

More later.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Cleveland Tractor

The Cleveland Tractor company was established in 1916 and eventually ceased production in 1966.  Their product shown here was designed for hauling industrial products.  They were quite flexible in their use.  The photo below shows a small track operated flat car being hauled or pushed outside of an industrial warehouse.  The tractor is 52 inches high and 50 inches high.  It is 96 inched long.

The photo is approximately from the early 1920's.   The load is mixed but appears to be mostly wood barrels.  Below is a diagram photo.

This would make an interesting model - does not appear that it would be too hard to build.

I am currently building a Wheel Works cast metal truck kit with modifications.  More on this later.

I have also decided my next structure build will be a small carpentry shop.  I have sketched it out and started construction.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Trackside platform sheds model complete

I have completed the trackside platform sheds.  It was interesting - now I need to decide where to install it on the layout.  One end is a storage shed and the other an ice cream business, which also sells soft drinks and hot dogs.  The roof is made from card stock and covered with the venerable Campbell paper shingles.

There are two figures in the ice cream stand and a woman and child figures outside buying ice cream. There are two figures in the center section, one is sitting on the small loading dock and the other is sitting on a bench at the right-side back of the center section.  

Although it is hard to seem them there are a number of items sitting on the counter,  including a cola bottle, a mustard bottle, a ketchup bottle, a hot dog in a bun, and a cup of ice cream.  The cola bottle is a commercial part.  The other two bottles are small pieces of plastic dowel slightly shaped.  The hot dog is a piece of wire wrapped in a bit of card stock.  The ice cream cup is a short piece of plastic sprue with a dob of putty on top.

Above you can barely see the figure on the bench.  There is a open top metal barrel with junk sticking out beside the storage shed and there is a wood barrel next to one of the support posts - both are commercial parts.  There are also two boxes sitting on the loading dock.

Now that this is done I again need to decide what to build next - always a challenge.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Trackside platform sheds start

The model I am building was inspired from an old photo in a relatively new book about York Pennsylvania.  The photo shows a market shed vintage 1880's which no longer exists.  The market shed was not trackside, but my model will be trackside.  My platform has a small structure on each end of the platform similar to the "prototype" but the similarity stops there.

This model is still in the early stages of construction, and at this point the roof is sitting loosely on the  two structures.  The left structure is a storage shed and the right structure is an ice cream and refreshment stand (the market shed had that also).  There will be a raised loading platform in the center area for loading items onto railroad cars.  Not sure at this point what else will be there.  The structures are made from wood and the roof from card stock.  Models at this stage in construction often look crude but at least you can get some idea of what I am doing.

Above is a view of the back of the model which will face away from the edge of the layout.  As you can see the ice cream stand extends away from the platform.

As is often the case, I am building this using only a sketch so I have only a vague idea of what the finished model will look like.  I am planning to have lots of signs and several figures.   This is a really small model so it is a relatively quick project.

Those of you who are members of the NMRA may have noticed that the April photo on the NMRA calendar was from my layout.  I was pleased they selected my photo.  I have also been doing articles for the NMRA Magazine.  The first a few months ago was on the gas station you saw on  the blog last year.  The next article will be on an abandoned shed on my layout.  That was also on the blog some time ago.  The articles have additional information beyond what I published on my blog.  The third article I wrote was on the N scale structure I built.  That article will probably not be published until fall of this year.  After it is published, I will put something about it on the blog.  Since I am a life member of the NMRA and no longer pay them anything I thought I would contribute.