Saturday, December 29, 2018

Plaster shop model start

My next model will be a small plaster shop which does plaster work for homes and businesses.  That work consists of applying plaster to walls and ceilings as well as doing stucco and similar work on outside walls.  Plaster work has been done since ancient times (think pyramids in Egypt).  These days most homes and businesses only have drywall as it is cheaper and quicker.

The roof is not complete as it will have a tar paper cover as well as other details.

The rear door is wide to permit moving large items in and out of the building.  There will be a storage shed at the back.  The upper opening on the side above is a vent.

I recently discovered that comments on my blog were going to googleplus which is something I do not use.  I do not know why that was happening but searched the "statistics" section and selected something that may resolve that problem, though I understand that gplus function may be discontinued.  I do not use any of the so called social media as I do not trust them.

There are a lot of additional features to be added to this structure as well as a truck for transporting the materials and tools for plaster work.  I keep trying to come up with different businesses but it is getting more difficult to come up with new ideas.

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Flat bed truck with steam shovel load

I have completed the Vintage Vehicles steam shovel kit and placed it on the flat bed truck as a load.  The kit was difficult for me since it had many tiny details and my hands are very shaky when doing tiny stuff.  It turned out Ok.

After I photographed it I noticed I had not added the unloading ramps so I will do the later.

Above is the truck with a photo of the prototype I was trying to emulate behind it.  This was an interesting project but I am looking forward to building another structure model.  I have decided what it will be and have sketched it out.  More next week.

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Flat bed truck for hauling big loads

I have finished the flat bed truck made using the cab of an old plastic hook & ladder fire engine.  This truck will be hauling a steam shovel.  The modifications were made using wood, card stock and plastic - all wheels are commercial.

The flat bed swivels slightly  for turns.

The head lights were made from short sections of dowel sanded to a rounded cone at the back.  After the steam shovel is installed I will add liftable ramps at the back for loading and unloading.

The steam shovel is a Vintage Vehicles kit (no longer available) and it is complex.  I have finished the base part and will post it installed on the truck next week.

I have decided what my next structure will be - another small business. Build build build!!

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Newspaper building model complete

The small newspaper building is now complete with a ground cover around the base and a number of details.  At the front of the building by the porch is a small newspaper stand with a guy selling newspapers.  The ground cover is on a piece of card stock that is under the entire building.

I have also added a few signs.

There is a bench on the porch with two people sitting on it.  At the rear of the right side is an old printing press that has been set outside with some parts removed for further use.

With this partial rear view you can see more of the old printing press.

That concludes my work on this model.  I am still working on the flat bed truck model.

Just for fun I am including above a photo of an old metal printing plate with images embedded among the print.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Small wood building progress

This building is almost complete except for some outside details.  I have decided this will be a small weekly newspaper building.  The building has a shingled roof and an oil tank of the left side - I made that tank from a wood dowel which I sanded off the sides and added legs and a tank cap.

I added a card stock base to allow for scenicing and details.

There is a shed in the back for storage of paper stock and other things.  This newspaper uses a metal type press as was the case with most newspapers of the time.  Many years ago I had a newspaper client in Washington DC which used presses like that,  They went out of business while they were a customer of mine (not my fault).  Some time ago I bought a tray of metal type at a yard sale kind of a thing.  I use the metal type pieces for glueing weights and braces.

Above is a small sample of the type slugs.  They are about 3/4 " square on the sides with the type face being of various widths based on the letter or character they display.  On the right side above you can see I glued together a set of letters to make my name.  Behind the name is a metal print logo for my father's model railroad.  I have a LOT of the metal type.

I still have to add a bunch of details and scenery around the building.

At the same time I am working on the truck I am making from a fire engine.  It will have a flatbed behind it and will be hauling a steam shovel.   Always keeping busy.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Small wood building start

I have started building a small wood building but have not yet decided what it will be.  Still a lot of work to be done so I have time to decide.  It will be some kind of small business since it does not look like a house.  I just like building things.

The roof still need s shingles and it needs more weathering.  Once I decide what it will be I will add appropriate signs and details.

There will be a shed at the back.

While I was thinking about what to build,  I assembled a plastic automobile kit by Mountain States.  Nothing special.  It fits my layout era.

I am also building a truck using the front of an old plastic fire engine.  It needs a new rear section as well as a new cab.  These things are fun.  I acquired a bunch of old fire engines from estates but I do not need any more fire engines.  I built a firehouse a few years ago with fire engines.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Old machine shop complete

My old machine shop model is now complete, unless as usual I decide to make additions or changes.   The first two photos are with the roof on and the second two with the roof off to show the interior.  This shop builds new machines and refurbishes old machines so I have included some old pieces of machinery awaiting refurbishment.

Above you can see I added a water tower for the boiler room and at the right you can see some of the details on the loading dock.  I also added some protective screens on the lower part of the windows on this side to protect them from flying debris from passing trains/trucks as there will be either a track or road here depending on where I install the industry.

And above is the other end showing a loaded dock.

Above is a view of one end of the interior.  There is a work bench at the upper left and some machines.

And above is a view of the other end of the interior.  You can see the small office at the upper left.  This model was fun to build.

And now I need to figure out what to build next.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Old machine shop progress

I have essentially completed the machine shop building and the boiler house.  There are more details and weathering to be added.  The roof on the machine shop is easily removed by lifting using the vents as handles.  The boiler house has no interior details.

The loading dock at the right was made with wood.  There will be details on it.

The loading dock is reached from inside the shop by the door at the left.  

The machines above are SS Ltd kits.  As usual very nice castings but not that easy to build - especially with  the many small parts and my shaky hands.  This getting old business is frustrating.  These machines will be placed in the shop along with other details and a few figures.  Thus far the interior details include a work bench with tools and a small office structure in one corner.  The story is that the shop used to have an external office but it burned down due to a careless cigar by the previous shop superintendent (he was fired).

It took longer than it should have to make this progress but my cable was out for a day and a half (no TV and no Internet), causing me to spend time fussing with the cable company.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Old machine shop start

My next model will be an old machine shop with a building that is well worn.   I have started with the walls and floor of the building.  The roof will be removable to allow the interior machine details to be seen.  The wall are made from thin plastic brick material glued to a wood interior.  I found when cutting the plastic that the brick rows were not totally parallel - very annoying.  The floor is a sheet of card stock.

The small door at the left above is for access from inside to an outside loading dock.  Inside is a ramp.

Above is a view of the other end from an elevated height so you can see the interior ramp.  On this end at the near corner will be a stone boiler house to provide power to the shop.

Next I will complete the boiler house which I have already started and assemble the cast metal machinery for inside.  I intend to do a lot of weathering and details both inside and out.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Roofing company truck

This truck started with the front end of a cheap plastic fire engine.  The rest of the truck is scratch built.  It is intended to be an old and beat-up truck to carry roofing materials.

The cab was made using card stock and the truck bed is wood.  I added some old style wheels from my large stock of various sizes and styles of wheels and tires.

The truck bed is stocked with a ladder, two barrels, an open box (front right side) holding a saw and various tools,  A small bucket behind Bob who is sitting on the rear of the truck bed.  There is a lantern hanging on the right side of the truck bed front.  

This was an interesting build.

I have decided my next model will be a small brick machinery company building with a variety of machinery inside.  I plan to make the roof removable so the interior detail will be visible for a change.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Roofing company model

I have decided to make my recent model a roofing company.  I find it harder and harder to come up with different industries or businesses.  I have done just about everything I can think of that fits my era and general location (western Pennsylvania ).  In any event the model is now finished with signs and details.

I named it the O.H. Shucks Roofing company - a little humor.  In the front is a pallet with a stack of shingles on it.

On the side are a variety of details including a ladder, barrels, and a guy sitting on a chair on the porch.  I built the chair from scratch with tiny wood pieces and paper.  At the rear of the side is a pile of corrugated metal and wood scrap.

I glued a paper base underneath extending from the sides to hold the scenery and details since adding these things after the structure is installed on the layout can be difficult.

As usual when I build a model, I did some internet searches on roofing companies, shingles, etc.  for modeling ideas.  Interestingly after these searches, I got some calls from small local roofing companies - I do not recall ever getting calls from roofing companies before although I do get a regular spate of spam calls from all kinds of organizations.  That was of course before I posted what the model was.

Again I need to decide what to model next.  This gets harder and harder.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Small wood business structure model

I have been working on a small wood structure that will be some business but I have not yet decided what business that will be.  I just liked the design.  The structure is essentially complete but still awaiting signs and details.  I did detail the interior of the garage but as usual is difficult to see those details.  The building siding is board & batten.

The roof is shingled with the Campbell paper shingles colored with ink alcohol solution and black soot,  and the widows are by Tichy.  All doors are scratch built.

The side door is under the roof covering the shed and there is also a shed door under that roof.

The smoke stack on the back was made using a piece of plastic angle sprue with a paper top.

Now I have to decide what business this is ....

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Hott steam pump company installed

I have finally installed the Hott Steam Pump company on the layout at a corner of the layout extension.  I built a wood fence at the corner and put some junk detail inside the fence along with some scenery.  There are a lot of signs on the fence to spiff it up.

I built this factory a long time ago but could not decide where to install it.

In the view above you can see the details inside the fence area as well as the steep drop of the edge of the layout.

As you can see above, the front wall of the factory is removable so you can see the details inside.

I am still trying to decide what structure to build next.  I have built so many things it is hard to come up with something new.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Shovel company model complete

I have completed the shovel company model, although I will probably add more details as time goes on.  I am not yet sure where I will install it.  I made the three structures with different siding for variety.

When I install this, the surrounding scenery will likely change the appearance to some extent.  I also am looking for more signs to add.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Shovel factory warehouse

I have completed the warehouse for the shovel factory.  It was relatively easy but I built a mobile lift that took way more time than I thought it would.  The warehouse has vertical wood siding and is attached to the factory building.

The warehouse is a two story structure with a deck that will probably be rail side.  The upper open door has a hoist and a figure inside holding a control cable (not visible in this view).  On the deck is the mobile lift,  a pallet of material ready to be hoisted up to the second floor,  and a bundle of shovels next to the lower door.

Above is the factory building showing the other side of the warehouse.  The is a door from the warehouse to the factory roof and a ladder up to the warehouse roof.   The next building will be the office located to the right of the warehouse.

Above is an image of an old Tiering lifting truck.  I found it somewhat difficult to build a model of this due to all of the small details and my shaky hands.

Above is my model of the lift with an operator on the rear platform.  It is mostly wood with a plastic wheel frame.  My model is not exact but close enough for me.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Railway Express Agency Truck

I have built a Sylvan Scale Models Railway Express Agency truck model.  Their models are good and they have some appropriate to my era.  The decals work well and slide off their base almost instantly after being wet.  Their truck wheels have actual rubber tires.  They are plastic castings.

Below are some interesting railroad rolling stock.

Above is a rather dilapidated Lehigh & Hudson River caboose that I photographed on one of my railroad tours.

And above is an old style flat car with a load of boilers.  That would make for a neat model.

As for the shovel factory, I am mid-way through constructing the warehouse structure.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Shovel factory building complete

I have completed the first of the three factory buildings - the factory itself.  I modeled interior details which as usual are not very visible with the roof on, but you can see some due to the wide main door and large windows.  Also, I enjoy modeling interior details.  Some of the details are from a plastic machinery  detail kit and the others scratch built.

Above you can see an overall view of the interior before the roof was added.

Above is a view of the interior from another angle.  The center rear door is an entrance to the warehouse which will be attached and is the next model I will be constructing.  I made some metal sheets from paper painted silver - one is on the table and others are in the cart by the rear door.  The metal is material for constructing the shovels.  The shelves to the right rear were made from card stock and stuffed with "junk".

This view shows the factory with roof and furnace stack added, as well as an exterior oil tank.  You can see the furnace at the rear in the first interior view.  It was made form wood and paper scraps.

In this view you can see a few interior details inside the door.  I will probably add open wood doors at each side of the door opening.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Shovel factory model start

My next model will be a shovel factory.  It will consist of three connected structures, the factory building,  a storage building and an office building.  The first structure I am building is the factory which is a brick structure with a flat roof.  The forth wall which has not been constructed will effectively be part of the attached storage building.

The windows are by Tichy and the small door is a cheap plastic casting of unknown origin.  Due to the openness of this structure I will need to add some interior detail. The brick walls are thin plastic brick material glued to wood backing.

Below are some photos of prototype factories which I use for ideas - not to be copied.

The first is a photo I took on a trip to North Carolina.  The second is from an old industrial book.