
This blog presents my thoughts, information and activities in my model railroading world.

Monday, March 24, 2025

Small two story wood structure

This two story structure has 2 separate quarters for mostly business purposes.  I have not yet decided what those businesses are.

Above is a front view.  

Above is view of the front and the right side.  Under the stairs is a gas tank for heating the interior.  

Above is a view of the left side and the rear.  I put a lot of details on the ground along the sides of the building.  


Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Old shack with barrel door

This old shack has a large barrel with the front door to the shack.  I got the idea from an old photo.


Above isa front view with a dolly, a barrel and a box on the left,  a figure at the front door,  and a box with an axion the right.  

Above is a view of the left side.  

Above is a view of the right side.  There is a small pile of logs and a furnace stack on the wall.  

I have included various foliage as well as several grass tufts.

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Old machine shop with wind mill

 This model is an old machine shop powered by a wind mill.. Not sure what the metal machine is as it was in my parts box for years and not sure who the manufacturer was of the metal wind mill kit.

Above you can see the machine inside with a belt connected to the wind mill.  The doors on the front of the building will actually close as they have angle boards at top and bottom.

The photo above gives an additional view of the wind mill.

Friday, November 1, 2024

Tree bark shed

 This rough looking shed was made using boards made from tree bark from my yard.  The part of the bark I used was from the inside of the bark - the part next to the tree.  It took a lot of time to make the boards since I had to cut them out, slice them down and sand them.  The only commercial parts are the details around the shed.  

Above is a view of the front of the shed with a plastic figure sitting on a scratch built chair.  

This side of the shed has a plastic cart from a kit. 

On this side is a small stack of logs for the inside furnace.  

I have box of bark chunks which I occasionally use for projects.  

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Old structure with carriage

 I have not decided yet what this structure is  - maybe will later.  It was scratch built based on a sketch I drew.  It is two stories with an outside stair case.  I put a plastic kit carriage on the right side under the upper porch. 

Above is a front view of the structure.  On the upper porch is a figure and a chair.  Below the porch is the carriage and some shelfs.  There is a plastic chimney on the lower roof. 

Above is a better view of the carriage which is blocking the view of the shelving.

Above is a view of the stairs on the left side.  The shingles on the roof are a commercial product by BEST.
The doors and windows ate plastic products by Tichy.  

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Old shack with garage & Fenced area

 This model was built board by board and placed on a card stock base for scenery.  The wood had a reddish color and I added weathering chalk.

The photo above shows a ladder,  a dog, a man sitting on a chair and a fenced are on the right.

Above is a photo of the right side

Above shows some of the details in the fenced area. 

Above shows some more details in the fenced area.  

This model is basically a living quarters and work area.

Monday, August 5, 2024

Old shack and boxcar combined

 This model has an old shack with a narrow gauge box car attached for storage use.  The box car is an old model part of which was used for something else.  

Most of the details around the shack are commercial parts.  The dolley to the right of the shack door was scratch built. 

To the right of the boxcar is a stump.

Under the window are some logs for use in the furnace inside the shack.  

Now I need to decide what to build next.