As mentioned before, I decided to build a rail truck to move the brickworks rail cars around the plant. In earlier more prosperous days the plant had a small steam locomotive for moving the cars but time and deterioration made the loco too expensive to use, and the plant itself had become smaller (at least that is my story and I am sticking to it). The loco is scratch built using a few commercial parts, and parts of parts, as well as styrene and wood for the rear platform. The rail wheels are from an SS Ltd mine car and are like those on the brickworks cars. The truck is rail only with no highway wheels. The engine is a metal casting from an unknown source with sparkplug "wires" added. The engine compartment has no sides as constant maintenance made them an impediment. Their are several detail parts on the back deck - a barrel, an oil can, a blowtorch, a sledge hammer, and a large wrench. There are two connector chains hanging on the rear wall for use in connecting the rail truck to the cars.

This little rail truck was a fun project, and since it is HO most of the details will be hard to see when it is on the layout, but I will know they are there.