
This blog presents my thoughts, information and activities in my model railroading world.

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Structure start - first part

 This is the first part of a new structure.  I got the idea for it from a sketch in an old painting book.  My model is not exactly the same as the sketch but it was my inspiration.  I have not yet decided what this structure will be but I am thinking about that.  The next part will be a large work/storage building behind this structure. 

There is no back on this model - the next structure will provide the back.  All windows and doors except the door under the overhang are old metal castings I obtained many years ago and have no idea who the manufacturer was.   There will be a large sign on the upper left side of the front.  I will also add a variety of exterior details once I decide what this is.  I just like building things.  

Friday, July 9, 2021

Crane & lift repair shop complete

 I have added a lift testing tower, a crane, signs, a dolley and a chair on the dock of this structure.  The tower turned out to be very complex and time consuming.  

The lift tower was made mostly from wood with metal and card stock pulleys and gears.  There is a control motor at the base of the lift.  The lift tower has a slot at the top to allow lift bars to be inserted for testing.  I added a figure climbing the tower ladder.  The crane was made from wood with a metal base.  The dolley was scratch built.  The chair is a metal commercial detail.  

The signs were printed on my computer,  glued to a piece of card stock and weathered.

I am not yet sure what I will build next.  I have been busy doing repairs to things around the house having nothing to do with my model railroad.  

Thursday, July 1, 2021

NMRA Bullion reefer car

 I have had this car for a long time .  It appears to have NMRA cardboard sides as they used to publish in the NMRA Bulletin (now the NMRA Magazine).  These sides were apparently published in 1983. I have a lot of those car sides of different types.  I guess the car was a reefer to carry cold cash.  😀

On the lower left next to the door it says "return to Chattanooga when full".  To the right of that it says "Bullion transport only".  At the top of the sides it says NMRA Bulletin 1983.  

I am still working on the dock details for the crane & lift repair shop which have been complex.  That will be published soon.