
This blog presents my thoughts, information and activities in my model railroading world.

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Feed & seed store model start

I have built two of the walls of the feed & seed store, the front and the left side.  There are many details to be added including the store name sign, lots of product signs, and what I think will be an interesting scene on the front porch.

The roof behind the false front will be a slope roof with roll roofing.  The roof over the front porch is covered with corrugated metal heavily weathered.

Above includes a view of the left side.  I do not plan to construct any interior detail.

I have researched my photo library and old books for samples of feed & seed stores or something similar.  Below is the closest I found.  It is a photo I took years ago in Sykesville, Maryland.  It really has little resemblance to what I am modeling but is somewhat interesting.

Most of my modeling ideas for this model came from internet searches but I cannot post the photos I found.  I always do internet searches for my modeling.  There are lots of useful photos out there.

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