The factory model is almost half way complete. This post should give some idea of what I am trying to do. As I mentioned before, my main goal with this model is to have a detailed alley between the parts of the factory and some elevated walkways between the factory buildings. Here is the first part.

The "wing" on the left side is to separate this factory from the Platform Scale Company. This building is sort of the shape of the Flat Iron Building. The reason is to allow viewing of the alley on the right side of this building. My original layout draft had the left and right buildings about the same size with all walls vertical to the room wall and parallel. What I found with my card stock mockup was that the alley was not easily viewed as the factory model is at an inside corner of the layout, thus I modified the design to allow a straight view down the alley, which then turns to the right. The left wall of this building was made using a leftover wall from a Magnuson kit. The Magnuson kits were made using resin and were not always good quality parts. This one needed a lot of "fixing". The rest of the walls in this factory are and will be made using plastic brick sheet with a solid backing. The roof above is partially completed.
Below is the rough ground layout drawing.
I have completed the left side building, not including the alley wall that turns to the right leading to where the chimney will be located. The main purpose of the large and tall chimney is to disguise the corner of the room wall.
Below is a view of the other side of this building.
The gap between the 2nd and 4th floor windows on the right is where one of the elevated walkways will be located. The wall extension on the right side will bend to the right. The alley to the right will be out of view due to the second building.
I have not decided what this factory produces. The billboard on the wall has nothing to do with what the factory produces.